Struggling with Sales? It's Your Offer! Learn to How Craft Offers So Irresistible Your Customers Will Beg, 'Shut Up and Take My Money!

Chap 1: The Big Picture

Imagine walking into a top-tier tech store. You’ve been eyeing that latest MacBook Pro for a while now, haven’t you? Usually, it’s about $2500, but today, they’re offering it for a whopping $999. And get this, they’re throwing in a free pair of AirPods Pro, too. But hey, guess what? They’ve only got three of these bundles. So, What do you say, champ? Deal or no deal?

I betcha 99% of you fine folks would be elbowing your way through the crowd to snag that deal.

Why is that?

Because the value here is off the charts. You’d be saving a hefty $1500 on the MacBook alone, not to mention the $250 you’d save on the AirPods. This deal’s so hot, it’s smokin’. Any sane person would find it tough to say no to a bargain like this.

And that, my friends, is the magic we’re aiming to create in this section. We’re about to explore how to craft an offer so tantalizing, so irresistibly sweet that saying ‘no’ would seem nothing short of lunacy. Buckle up, folks, it’s about to get interesting!

Big Problems equal Big Money.

This is the first ingredient of our irresistible offer. Your offer must tackle a significant problem because if there isn’t a big problem at hand, your target won’t feel driven to act.

So, what exactly is a big problem? It’s a problem that your target is urgently seeking to solve. To put it another way, the pain of not solving this problem is greater than the pain of paying top dollar to solve it right now.

Pro Tip: The larger the problem, the less price-sensitive your target will be. For instance, if you’re selling a cure to a deadly disease, you could charge pretty much anything (if you lacked morals). However, if you’re selling a marginal 1% improvement in open rates, your target is likely to haggle over the price.

That’s why we are focused on BIG PROBLEMS.

How to Identify Your Target’s Big Problem

Step 1: Utilize the information gathered in Section 1

You already know your target. You’ve given them a name, a backstory, you’ve got inside their head. And while creating your customer avatar, you answered the question:

What keeps him/her up at night?

The responses to this question are the source of your big problem. So, return to your answers. Review them. Then jot down a few additional problems.

Step 2: Arrange those problems from most stressful/urgent to least stressful/urgent.

Stressful/urgent equals how desperately your target wants to solve this problem. The more they want to solve it, the more stressful/urgent it is.

Step 3: The problem at the top of your list is the one you should target (as long as it’s a problem that can be addressed with a product or service).

Ever heard the saying, “Sell the vacation, not the plane ride.“? That’s precisely what we’re doing here. I’m not going to waste your time (or mine) by making this section extra long when it doesn’t need to be.


Because the BIG Promise is just the opposite of the BIG Problem.

If the BIG problem is your target staying up all night worried about not making enough dough, the BIG Promise is them living the high life, raking in the big bucks.

Get the picture?

It’s the dream outcome your target is yearning for, their pie in the sky, the vision that gets their pulse racing.

Now that you’ve got the gist of it, we can move swiftly on to the next ingredient.

Remember when I mentioned at the start of this course that we’ll be inventing a new kind of product or service? That our “Food” will be different; will be unique?

(Hint: It ain’t gonna be the same kind of food they’re used to. Nah, it needs to be unique.)

Well, I hope that’s still fresh in your memory, because now’s the time! We’re about to invent a unique mechanism.

And once we’ve done that, your target will only want to buy from you (and leave your competitors out in the cold).

Seriously, NO BS! A UNIQUE MECHANISM has that much power!

So, what’s a unique mechanism?

It’s a unique method, part, component, aspect, process, system, framework, etc., behind your product or service that delivers the outcome your prospects are craving.

Put simply, it’s the “how” behind your promise.

When you create a new unique mechanism and give it a catchy name, you corner your market. They have no choice but to buy from you because it’s your product’s unique mechanism that makes the solution possible (and your competition doesn’t have this secret ingredient).

And owning a unique mechanism could win you a hefty slice of the market.


Because in saturated and competitive markets, there’s a good chance your target has already heard the most compelling promise you can make from one or more competitors. Making the same promise will merely have your marketing message lost in the sea of sameness.

Simply inflating the promise — promising even more or faster results — instantly triggers skepticism and doubt within prospects.

So, having a unique mechanism makes your marketing believable.

It explains to the target HOW your product or system will deliver on the promise you make.

And once you have a powerful unique mechanism your target will be thinking:

“Hmm, I’ve never seen this secret method before… it sounds intriguing and pretty effective… I wonder if this is what will finally solve my problem.”

Once this thought crosses your target’s mind, consider your sale nearly closed.

Aight? Cool.

Alright, let’s nail down how to actually come up with a powerful UNIQUE MECHANISM

Step 1: Ask yourself: How does my “offer” deliver on the “promise” it makes?

In other words, how does your solution work?

  • Is it a “secret formula”?
  • Is it a “new system”?
  • Is it a “special ingredient”?
  • Is it a “rare technology”?

Whatever it is, figure out the “how”. Write it down.

Step 2: Turn this “how” into your secret sauce by giving it a compelling name.

Feel free to use abbreviations, and consider adding the words “system,” “secret,” “framework,” “process,” “concept.”

And that, my friend, is pretty much it.

A marketing message without PROOF is nothing more than a string of claims.

Granted, you need to make claims in your marketing (i.e., benefit statements and promises of results), but… you need to back up every claim with proof, with evidence.

The proof is what transforms typical claims into believable facts.

Having proof in your marketing isn’t just crucial… it’s critical.


Because people don’t trust you. They don’t trust marketing.

But here’s the kicker:

They desperately want to believe the promises you’re making.


Because they desperately want to solve the problem (BIG PROBLEM) they are facing.

So it’s your job to convince them.


With PROOF. Lots of it.

To get your wheels spinning, here’s a list of different types of proof points you can use to support your marketing claims:

  1. Demonstrations and case studies (How I made 10k last month using xxx – how I helped my client xx get the target desired result)
  2. Testimonials
  3. Success Stories
  4. Expert Statements and endorsements
  5. Statistics & Data
  6. Charts & Graphs
  7. Explanation of The Mechanism
  8. News Items
  9. Social Proof
  10. Academic Studies

Don’t have these?

GET ‘EM! Do whatever it takes.

(If you don’t and you’re just starting—no biggie! You’ll still be able to kill it. But the faster you get proof, the faster you’ll blow up).


Alright, we’ve assembled all the Infinity Stones, folks:

  1. Big Problem
  2. Big Promise (dream outcome)
  3. Unique Mechanism
  4. Proof

Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and craft that irresistible offer.

Step 1: Research the Competition

Start here.

Figure out what your competition is already selling to your target (or trying to sell).

  • Is it courses?
  • Is it books?
  • Is it seminars?
  • Is it masterminds?
  • Is it coaching?

It doesn’t matter what it is.

Write it down.

Get a general idea of the “offerings” in your market.

Step 2: Review Your BIG PROBLEM and BIG PROMISE.

Ask yourself:

What product or service can I create to solve my target’s BIG PROBLEM and get them to their dream outcome?

Think of it in terms of value – what type of product or service will deliver the best value to my target? What type of product can you create where you can guarantee the dream outcome results for your target?

Time for some brainstorming.

Use what the competition is selling as a guide.

And create your list.

Rank it from best to worst.

Keep going until you have something compelling to sell.

And you’re on your way.

Note: If you already have an offer, that’s great. But go through the above step-by-step process anyway and see if you can strengthen your offer based on what you now know (hint: you can).

Now that we have created our offer, it’s time to enhance it to make it so valuable, so irresistible that your target has no other choice but to say,

“Shut up and take my money!”

Bonuses are extremely powerful additions to your offer.

Bonuses have the power to drive conversions.

Bonuses have the power to increase sales… Big time.

But only when they’re done correctly!

Most marketers see bonuses as an afterthought.

And so they put together uncoordinated, low-value bonuses.

And doing it this way will seriously hurt your conversions.

So how should we do it, Hamza?

You start by asking yourself…

“What bonuses would perfectly complement my main product and add enormous value to my offer?”

Don’t ask yourself simply what bonuses you can throw into the offer.

Ask yourself what bonuses would put this offer over the top.

And the correct way is to create bonuses specifically for the offer.

Your offer bonuses should be so good and so valuable…

They should demonstrate such exciting, compelling benefits…

That your prospects would happily pay money for them!

The rule is: if you wouldn’t sell the bonus by itself, you should not use it as part of your offer.

Bonuses should also complement the main product…

They should enhance the benefits and the value of the main product.

Prospects should be able to immediately recognize the value of the bonus and say – “Yes! I want that too!” – when you present it to them.

Sometimes prospects will even buy your offer just to get access to one of your bonuses!

That’s why bonuses are used to drive sales and increase conversions.

Your bonuses should also be unique and proprietary.

You don’t want your offer bonuses to be just something else that other people are sharing.

By creating bonuses that add enormous value to your offer, I guarantee you’ll increase your conversions, your revenue, and your profits.

One of the reasons people don’t buy from you is the perceived risk they believe they are taking in purchasing your product or service. These risks include:

Making the wrong decision, Losing money, Not receiving what they paid for, Not being satisfied, and not being able to recoup their investment.

Therefore, reversing risk is an immediate way to make any offer more irresistible.

But won’t people take advantage of a crazy guarantee?

Businesses shy away from making strong guarantees because they think that a large percentage of their customers will take them up on it. Studies have proven this belief to be false. At most, only about 1-2% of your customers will ever take you up on your guarantee.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How many of my current customers have complained to me about my products or services in the past month?
  • In the past year?
  • How many of my customers have asked me for their money back or to replace a product or redo a service that you’ve provided?

You’ll find that if your product or service is of acceptable quality, you should have few complaints if any.

Six Steps to Creating a Rock Solid Guarantee

Here’s a step-by-step method for creating your guarantee and using it to supercharge your offer.

Step 1: Look At Your Competitors Research your competition and what types of guarantees your competition offers.

Step 2: Look At Your Strengths What area of your business is a strong point for you? Do your products or services produce consistently outstanding results? Do you respond quickly to customer queries?

Step 3: Guarantee Results Think about what specific RESULTS a customer wants when he or she buys your products or services. What good things happen when customers use your products? Better relationships? More money? Reduced stress? Write down the answer in specific detail, and then guarantee that outcome. (Just make sure you can fulfill on your promise.)

Step 4: Choose A Payback As unlikely as it is that you’ll be making good on your guarantee (remember — only about 2% of customers will ever take you up on it), you want to create an attractive payback in case customers are unsatisfied. Ideally, it won’t cost you much but will have a high perceived value.

A hassle-free, money-back guarantee is a good place to start. But try to dress it up a bit. Remember, a better-than-risk-free guarantee is the best guarantee of all. Yours should exceed customer expectations and be memorable.

Step 5: Start Small, Test, And Track Your Results.

This is vital! You must know how well your guarantee is performing before you make it a permanent part of your offer. Do the math.

How much have sales increased over your previous totals before you had a guarantee? Be sure to test at least two combinations of your guarantee to find the one that works best for you. You can guarantee results for 30 days in one test and 90 days in another (longer guarantees generally work better). Test different guarantees and keep track of the results until you find the best one for your offer.

Step 6: Get The Word Out.

Once you’ve tested and found a guarantee that you’re comfortable with, publicize it! Make your full guarantee.

Urgency is all about conveying to prospects the idea that “time is running out.”

The longer they wait, the more they risk missing out on the opportunity.

This can be expressed through things like a deadline, for example.

Scarcity, on the other hand, is about illustrating that the solution to your prospects’ problems or desires is limited.

If they wait, they might miss out on the supply.

When you mention there are 1,000 people on a waiting list, and there are only 90 units of a particular product, that’s effectively leveraging scarcity.

Now, it’s important to understand that scarcity always creates urgency, but urgency doesn’t always create scarcity.

When leveraging scarcity, there is always associated urgency that comes with it. However, with urgency, there isn’t always scarcity.

Utilizing a deadline leverages urgency, sure, but it doesn’t tap into the power of scarcity.

A common misconception among many marketers is that a deadline, while creating urgency, equates to scarcity. However, when you have 1,000 people on a waiting list, and you only have 80 units of a product, that’s true scarcity. The demand far outweighs the supply, and that’s a scarce resource.

Scarcity, therefore, leads to additional urgency.

With all this in mind, it’s important to consider how you can employ urgency and scarcity differently when you’re building your offer.

IMPORTANT: Always be honest and ethical when employing these strategies.